Church Building in Cyprus (4th to 7th Centuries)

Church Building in Cyprus (4th to 7th Centuries) lead image

Church Building in Cyprus (4th to 7th Centuries) – A Mirror of Intercultural Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, June 9–11, 2016

This conference will focus on the role of the Cypriot church in a period when Cyprus was a prospering island with international contacts, which were seriously disturbed in the mid-seventh century with the Arab raids. Cyprus’ early Christian basilicas and other monuments and objects of clerical character will be critically analysed within that conference as well as the political and economic position of the early Cypriot church. There will be a close look at local traditions and at the influences resulting from intercultural contacts with the Eastern Mediterranean world.

In the period from the 4th to the 7th century Cyprus was part of an international network and received influences in many different fields, such as theology, art and architecture; on the other hand Cypriot artists and architects developed a local tradition from the very beginning of church building on the island.


Seating is limited. Registration required.