Lectures/May 19, 2016

Christian Art in the Medieval Middle East

Christian Art in the Medieval Middle East lead image

Christian Art in the Medieval Middle East. A Challenge to the Interpretation of Cypriot Art, lecture by Mat Immerzeel (Leiden University), University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit, June 8, 2016, 7:00pm

Mat Immerzeel is an art historian and archaeologist with Leiden University, The Netherlands. He specializes in the Christian material culture of the Middle East and, in particular, in the art of Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria from the medieval to the Ottoman period. He has been involved in the documentation and restoration of wall-paintings and icons, and presently participates in the project aiming at the documentation of the murals of the church of the Transfiguration at Sotira (Famagusta District) undertaken by the University of Cyprus and funded by the Anastasios G. Levants Foundation. Immerzeel heads the Paul van Moorsel Centre for Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East (VU University Amsterdam) and is the editor-in-chief of the scholarly journal Eastern Christian Art.

Presented by The Byzantinist Society of Cyprus