Calls for Papers/Aug 12, 2022

Cave Churches, Chapels, Hermitages, and Monasteries: Wall Paintings and Gender in the Eastern Mediterranean

Cave Churches, Chapels, Hermitages, and Monasteries: Wall Paintings and Gender in the Eastern Mediterranean lead image

Cave Churches, Chapels, Hermitages, and Monasteries: Wall Paintings and Gender in the Eastern Mediterranean, session at the 2023 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 3–6, 2023

This session seeks to explore the relation between gender and wall paintings in the Eastern Mediterranean. It scrutinizes the artistic exchanges and interactions in relation to pilgrimage, commercial, and Crusader routes, and their function in the transmission and transfer of gendered iconographic models with particular emphasis on visual representations pertaining to caves (churches, monasteries).

Suggested topics, on any time period may include, but are not limited to:

  • Artistic networks and entangled iconographies;
  • Networks, mobilities, and circulations of gendered models;
  • Circulation of workshops and commissioners;
  • Circulation of iconographic patterns and models in relation to gender.

Submissions from a variety of disciplines are accepted including but not limited to: history, art history, visual culture, social history, cultural history, hagiography, religious studies, cultural studies, textual studies in a transdisciplinary perspective.

Session organizer
Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, University of Salamanca