Funding/Sep 14, 2020

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships, 2020–2021 Competition

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships, 2020–2021 Competition lead image

The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships is a three year award made to an annual cohort of outstanding early career researchers in the humanities or social sciences. 

This scheme provides funding to cover the costs of a 36 month fellowship at a host institution of your choosing. The purpose of this award is to enable the award holder to pursue an independent research project, towards the completion of a significant piece of publishable research.

The competition for the Postdoctoral Fellowship is held in two stages. The Outline Stage is open for everyone within the eligibility criteria. The Second Stage is invitation only. You may only apply to this competition once, unless specifically invited to re-apply.


  • British citizens and any nationals from the European Economic Area are eligible, regardless of where their doctorate was obtained. Anyone of any nationality who has a doctorate from a UK university is eligible. If an applicant does not meet the prior categories, they may be accepted if they can demonstrate ‘strong prior association’ with the UK academic community. 
  • Early Career Status: There is no age criterion for these awards. Instead, eligible applicants are expected to be at an early stage of their career. This is defined as being within three years from the date of your successful Viva Voce examination.
  • The applicant must already be of postdoctoral status at the time when the Research Awards Committee meets. Applicants who expect to have had their viva by 1 April 2021, are eligible for consideration, but will have to withdraw their application if the examination is not completed on time.
  • No applicant who has been appointed to a permanent academic post in an institution of higher education at any time in their career will be eligible.