Funding/Mar 22, 2016

Birmingham Fellow - History and Cultures

Birmingham Fellow - History and Cultures lead image

This fellowship offers an exciting opportunity to join the University of Birmingham’s School of History and Cultures. We seek to appoint a scholar working on any aspect of imperial, global or transnational history from the ancient to the late modern period. Within these broad temporal parameters, we are particularly interested in early-career scholars whose work complements our existing strengths and falls within one or more of the School’s key research themes: war, conflict and cooperation; history of religions, beliefs and ideas; material culture; everyday life and popular culture; environment; political cultures. The successful candidate will be joining an exceptionally lively and supportive research environment, and a community of scholars dedicated to excellence.

The Birmingham Fellows will have 5 years with protected time for high-quality research. This will allow outstanding, high potential, early-career researchers of any age to establish themselves as rounded academics who will go on to make a full and excellent contribution to research, teaching and academic citizenship. Birmingham Fellows will also develop their teaching experience, including PhD supervision, increasing up to a normal teaching load by the fifth year of the Fellowship. Fellows will not be expected to contribute substantively to academic administration during the term of their Fellowship.