Funding/Mar 28, 2018

BIAA Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2018/19

BIAA Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2018/19 lead image

Applications are now invited for British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Post-doctoral Research Fellow positions 2018/19.

Applicants must have either been awarded a PhD by a UK Higher Education Institution within the last two years, or have completed their viva examination before the fellowship would start in September. We also invite applications from people who have an active link with a UK Higher Education Institution and were granted their PhD up to 10 years before the time of the application.

The Fellowship will be tenable for up to 24 months from 1 September 2018. The Fellow will be based at the Institute in Ankara and will be required to spend at least two-thirds of the period of the Fellowship at the institute. The remaining one-third can be spent outside Ankara for research purposes after consultation with the director.

The subject of the proposed research should focus on Turkey and/or the Black Sea littoral and may fall within any of the academic disciplines of the arts, humanities and social sciences. It should lead to a substantial publication either in monograph or in article form.