The Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University seeks applicants for the inaugural offering of the "The Virginia and Walter Nord Fellowship in the Humanities."
The purpose of the BNC Post-Doctoral Fellows Program is to support research in the humanities by providing scholars in the early stages of their careers with the time and resources necessary to advance their work. During their time at the Baker-Nord Center, Fellows will pursue individual or collaborative research and writing for the full academic year. An essential feature of the program is that Fellows make intellectual contributions to the CWRU community, through their participation in workshops, lectures and courses. Fellows will be affiliated with one or more of the humanities departments represented on the BNC Steering Committee: Art History and Art, Classics, English, History, Modern Languages and Literatures, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater. BNC Post-Doctoral Fellows will be expected to offer an undergraduate course during the spring of their fellowship year, following consultation with their host department.
The Fellowship may be renewed for a second-year, during which candidates will be expected to offer an undergraduate course in each term.
Candidates must have the Ph.D. in hand before the start date of the fellowship from an institution other than Case Western Reserve University.