Courses & Workshops/Sep 03, 2015

Armenian Manuscript Studies: An Introduction

Armenian Manuscript Studies: An Introduction lead image

Armenian Manuscript Studies: An Introduction, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, March 14–18, 2016

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Oriental Institute of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg are inviting applications for another workshop in the series Scriptorium: Workshops on the study of Oriental manuscripts.

The participants will be introduced to the study of different codicological and paleographical aspects of Armenian manuscripts, including an overview on the history, collections and catalogues of Armenian manuscripts, bindings, genres, mise-en-texte, mise-en-page, inks, illuminations, miniature-painting, colophons, scripts, periodization, provenance etc. The theoretical part will be supplemented by hands-on sessions, in which the participants will have the opportunity to observe the features discussed themselves in Armenian manuscripts kept at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. The workshop will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Dickran Kouymjian (California State University, Fresno, Berberian Chair of Armenian Studies, Emeritus).

The workshop is intended for advanced MA or doctoral students, and other junior researchers in the fields of Armenian Studies, Oriental Studies, Christian Oriental Studies, Theology, Indo-European Studies, Archaeology, Art History and Comparative Manuscript Studies. Dependent on prior arrangement with the home institution, students of the Oriental Institute of the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg are entitled to receive credit points for their participation.

The number of participants will be limited to 20. The workshop will be held in English.

The participation fee is 100 Euro.

Applications, including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, a summary of your current research project, should be sent to or by regular mail to Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Orientabteilung, Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin, until 15 October 2015.