Courses & Workshops/Mar 13, 2019

Armenia & Byzantium: Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations

Armenia & Byzantium: Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations lead image

Armenia & Byzantium: Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations, Graduate and Early Career Workshop, Radcliffe Humanities Building, University of Oxford, March 22–23, 2019

‘Armenia & Byzantium: Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations’ is a two-day workshop which intends to bring together early career researchers working in the fields of Armenian and Byzantine studies and to give them the opportunity to discuss their research with senior specialists in their field. This workshop will continue the successful collaboration between Oxford and Vienna, which began last year in the University of Vienna with the workshop ‘Armenia & Byzantium without Borders’ convened by Dr Emilio Bonfiglio and Professor Claudia Rapp within the framework of ‘Moving Byzantium: Mobility, Microstructure and Personal Agency’ project.