Funding/Nov 28, 2016

ARCE Fellowships 2017–2018

ARCE Fellowships 2017–2018 lead image

Over the course of six decades, The American Research Center in Egypt’s fellowship program has benefited more than 700 scholars, whose research interests span the diversity of Egypt’s periods and cultures. Program alumni include directors and faculty of Middle Eastern studies and history departments at leading universities in the United States and abroad, and curators of Egyptian and Near Eastern art at major museums and research institutions. Collectively, the publications resulting from ARCE fellowships constitute a substantial collection of all scholarly output on Egypt by Americans since 1957.

Decades of close collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities (MoA) and Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) enables ARCE to provide fellows with solid administrative support and advice that eases access to Egyptian museums, monuments, archaeological sites, and research libraries, archives and Egyptian academia.

ARCE Fellowships

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA),  U.S. Department of State: Available to American pre-doctoral candidates (ABD), postdoctoral scholars, faculty and senior scholars at universities worldwide for a minimum stay of three months and maximum stay of 12 months. U.S. citizenship is required. Three to six fellowships funded annually.

National Endowment for the Humanities: Available to American postdoctoral scholars, faculty and senior scholars worldwide with a minimum stay of four months and maximum stay of 10 months. NEH funds may be awarded to foreign nationals who have been residents of the United States for three consecutive years immediately preceding the application deadline. Minimum stay four months; maximum stay10 months. One or two fellowships funded annually.

Applicants who possess a doctoral degree by October 1, 2017 will automatically be considered for both ECA and NEH funding.

Pre-dissertation Travel Grant

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA),  U.S. Department of State: Available to pre-doctoral candidates who have completed coursework but not yet advanced to ABD status. Grantee will conduct exploratory research to identify sources, build professional network and visit sites and institutions in Egypt. Minimum one month, maximum two months stay. U.S. citizenship is required.

Fellowship Support without ARCE Funding

Research Associate: Available to American pre-doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, faculty and senior scholars worldwide and foreign nationals studying or teaching at American universities in the United States who have independent funding. Minimum stay three months; maximum stay of 12 months. Research associates receive the same administrative support accorded ARCE funded fellows but do not receive funding. A modest one-time fee is charged to offset the cost of providing administrative services. Applicants should complete the Fellowship application and indicate research associate status on the application.