Anniversaries, Celebrations and Commemorations in the Ancient World and Their Reception, 20th UNISA Classics Colloquium, Pretoria, August 15–18, 2019
We are pleased to announce the first call for papers for the annual UNISA Classics Colloquium, to be held in Pretoria from 15 to 18 August 2019.
The conference aims to explore issues marking celebrations, commemorations and anniversaries of all kinds around the ancient world (up to the 7th century CE, but including its reception in later periods). Topics enlarging on the literary, social and political significance of such events in the building of not only civic identities but also individual legacies, as well as the appropriation of these occasions in later contexts, will be welcomed.
Paper proposals (approximately 300 words) are invited for papers of 30 minutes debating current issues and problems on any aspect of the above theme.