Annihilating Evil: Scenes of Fighting, Slaying, Trampling and Binding Bad Forces in Art

Annihilating Evil: Scenes of Fighting, Slaying, Trampling and Binding Bad Forces in Art lead image

Annihilating Evil: Scenes of Fighting, Slaying, Trampling and Binding Bad Forces in Art, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (online), November 4, 2022

The aim of the conference is to discuss various aspects of the fight against evil in art and literature, from pre-Christian to modern times. The conference is mainly about Eastern Christianity. It takes into account not only the Christian slayers of evil, but also their predecessors: Horus, Mithras and Perseus. The papers are arranged to show the overlapping and intermingling of different traditions over the centuries.

Organizer: Dr. Magdalena Łaptaś