Concerts/Dec 12, 2016

A Byzantine Christmas ’16

A Byzantine Christmas ’16 lead image

A Byzantine Christmas, First Church Cambridge, December 22, 2016, 8:00 pm

The Greek Institute in Cambridge, MA, is pleased to announce its seventh annual “A Byzantine Christmas,” a concert of virtuosic Byzantine Chant and the traditional Greek Kalanda for the Christmas season sung by the PSALTIKON Ensemble directed by Spyro Antonopoulos. Psaltikon will be joined by Mal Barsamian (clarinet, oud), Beth Bahia Cohen (violin, lyra), Paddy League (laouto, tsambouna), George Lernis, percussion, and Nikos and Kostas Apazidis (pontiaki lyra and daouli).

Dramatic readings in English translation of Christmas stories by Alexandros Papadiamantis (1851-1911) and Photis Kontoglou (1895-1965) by Therese Sellers.

Tickets: $12–$30