Funding/Sep 28, 2022

2023–2024 Robert M. Kingdon Fellowship, University of Wisconsin–Madison

2023–2024 Robert M. Kingdon Fellowship, University of Wisconsin–Madison lead image

The Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is pleased to offer two Robert M. Kingdon Fellowships for the academic year 2023-2024, to be awarded to scholars from outside the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Through a generous bequest from the late Robert M. Kingdon, Hilldale Professor of History at UW–Madison. The Kingdon Fellowship sponsors humanities scholars working on historical, literary, artistic, and/or philosophical studies of the Jewish and/or Christian religious traditions. Projects may focus on any period from antiquity to the present, on any part of the world, and in any field(s) in the humanities. They may explore various forms of the Jewish and/or Christian traditions; the interaction of one or both of these with other religious traditions; and/or the relationship of one or both of these religions to other aspects of society within or outside of Europe. The Kingdon Fellowship does not typically support editions, anthologies, or translations.

Kingdon Fellows are expected to be in residence at the IRH throughout the academic year (except for short research trips, lectures, conferences, etc.) and may extend this residency through the following summer on a non-stipendiary basis. Solmsen Fellows are also expected to participate in the intellectual life of the IRH by attending the weekly Monday seminar (3:30 - 5:00 pm) and to give a seminar presentation. Fellows are also encouraged to join the informal lunches at the IRH, weekly afternoon teas, and other IRH events as time and interest permit. 

The IRH encourages applications from senior scholars as well as junior scholars with research projects that are well advanced. Applicants must be in possession of the doctorate at the time of application.