The Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry announces the annual Postdoctoral Fellowship for one academic year of research, writing, teaching, and residence at the Center. The purpose of the FCHI Postdoctoral Fellows Program is to stimulate and support humanistic research by providing scholars in the early stages of their careers with the time, space, and other resources necessary to advance their work. In addition, the Program was created to give the Emory community access to a range of humanistic work by scholars from other institutions.
An essential feature of the Posdoctoral Fellows Program is the expectation that Fellows make intellectual contributions not only within the Center, but, more widely, to humanistic studies at Emory. Thus, Posdoctoral Fellows will be expected to offer an upper-level undergraduate course on a subject of their choice during the spring semester of their fellowship year.
Postdoctoral Fellows must have the Ph.D. in hand before submission of their application. Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded to those who have held the Ph.D. for no more than six years before receiving the Fellowship.
Fellowships can only be awarded to those who meet the visa eligibility requirements necessary to work in the United States.
The FCHI Postdoctoral Fellows Program is designed to offer research opportunities both to those trained in the humanities as traditionally defined and to others working with humanistic issues. Research projects must be humanistic, but applicants may hold the Ph.D. in any discipline. The Center encourages applications from scholars whose research is likely to contribute to intellectual exchange among a diverse group of scholars within the disciplines of the humanities.