Opportunities/Dec 09, 2022

2023 CAARI Scholar in Residence

2023 CAARI Scholar in Residence lead image

The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in Nicosia, Cyprus, welcomes scholars and students specializing in archaeology, history, and culture of Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean. CAARI is located in central Nicosia close to the Cyprus Museum and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus (both with major libraries), as well as the main business and commercial district. In addition to hostel accommodation for a total of twelve residents, the institute has excellent research facilities: a 10,000-volume library, comprehensive map and artifact collections, archival material, and facilities for Internet, scanning, and photography.

The successful applicant will be an established scholar who commits to stay at least 30 days in succession at CAARI, ideally in the summer,and to be available in evenings and weekends to younger scholars working there, in return for 50% reduction in residency rate. Must have PhD in archaeology or ancillary field for at least 5 years prior to visit, be fluent in English (but may be of any nationality), and be committed to mentoring students. Travel and other expenses not covered.