Funding/Oct 05, 2020

2021–2024 Research Fellowships, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge

2021–2024 Research Fellowships, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge lead image

The Governing Body of Magdalene College expects to elect two stipendiary (Junior) Research Fellows with tenure for three years from 1 October 2021. The Nevile Fellowship, endowed through the generosity of Trinity College, Cambridge, will be in the Sciences; the Lumley Fellowship, endowed through the generosity of the late H R L Lumley, will be in the Humanities or Social Sciences. The candidates will be expected to present original research.

Applications are invited from graduates from any university. Candidates should normally have engaged in two or three years of research (full time or full-time equivalent) and will normally have completed, or be on target to complete, a PhD dissertation before the commencement of the Fellowship.