Funding/Jan 14, 2021

2021 Belle Da Costa Greene Award, Medieval Academy of America

2021 Belle Da Costa Greene Award, Medieval Academy of America lead image

The Medieval Academy of America will award the Belle Da Costa Greene Award of $2,000 annually to a medievalist of color for research and travel. The award may be used to visit archives, attend conferences, or to facilitate writing and research. 

Special consideration will be given to graduate students, emerging junior scholars, adjunct, and unaffiliated scholars. Applicants must be members in good standing of the Medieval Academy as of 15 January of the year in which they apply.

Belle Da Costa Greene (1883-1950) was a prominent art historian and the first manuscript librarian of the Pierpont Morgan collection. She was also the first known person of color and second woman to be elected a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (1939).