Courses & Workshops/May 18, 2020

2020 Online Summer School in Latin and Greek Codicology and Palaeography, CEU

2020 Online Summer School in Latin and Greek Codicology and Palaeography, CEU lead image

2020 Online Summer School in Latin and Greek Codicology and Palaeography, Central European University, July 6–10, 2020

The intensive, real time course is an online adaptation of the previous, in situ, SUN Latin and Greek Codicology and Palaeography summer schools. The one-week course (6 July - 10 July 2020) combines practical palaeography instruction with tuition in textual criticism, codicology and diplomatics. All classes are fully interactive using Zoom. It is aimed at PhD and MA students and young researchers and provides and opportunity to build research network.

The Summer School is an intensive, real time (CET), fully interactive online course. It comprises two morning sessions and one afternoon session. With a focus on intensive Latin and Greek palaeography classes in parallel tracks, it also provides instruction in textual criticism and diplomatics. It includes thematic lectures, assignments, introduction to online resources, a palaeography exam and an opportunity for consultation. It gives a certificate of attendance and ECTS credits. 

Course Faculty

Katalin Szende
Professor, Medieval Studies Department, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; CEU Summer School in Medieval Codicology and Palaeography

Laura Franco
The Hellenic Institute, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom; London International Palaeography Summer School

András Németh
Curator of Greek Manuscripts, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome, Italy; Winter School of Greek Palaeography, Rome, Italy

Anna Somfai
Visiting Professor, Medieval Studies Department, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; London International Palaeography Summer School, CEU Summer School in Medieval Codicology and Palaeography

Standard fee: 400 EUR
StudentFee: 300 EUR

Fees to be paid upon confirmation of participation until June 25, 2020.

Application deadline for tuition waiver places is June 1, 2020.