Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.
Getty Scholars may be in residence from three to nine months:
Three-month residency: September to December, January to April, April to June
Six-month residency: September to April, January to June
Nine-month residency: September to June
Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Applicants who received their degree after September 1, 2015, should apply for a postdoctoral fellowship.
2020-2021 Theme, Research Institute: The Fragment
2020-2021 Theme, Villa: Phoenicians, Philistines, and Canaanites: The Levant and the Classical World