Funding/Feb 02, 2018

2018/20 BRIHC Research Fellow, University of Birmingham

2018/20 BRIHC Research Fellow, University of Birmingham lead image

The Birmingham Research Institute for History and Cultures (BRIHC) wishes to appoint an outstanding early career scholar to a two-year Fellowship. The period and topic of study is open, but candidates must clearly show how their proposed scheme of work relates to research currently undertaken within the School of History and Cultures (SHaC) – which includes African Studies, Archaeology, History, and Classics (including Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies).

The appointees are expected to undertake a significant piece of independent research, and to produce research papers, manuscripts, or other outputs. During the Fellowship they are also expected to propose and write, with collaborators if necessary, grant application(s) for future and/or follow-on projects. Further, they are expected to spend a portion of their time supporting the activities of BRIHC, working with the Institute’s Director or other members of staff within SHaC. For the 2018/20 Fellow, this will involve planning and implementing a School-wide outreach programme in conjunction with another member of the School.

This position would suit a candidate in the early stages of their academic career who has not already held a Research Fellow or analogous position. It is not available to previous holders of a BRIHC Research Fellowship.