Funding/Dec 15, 2016

2017 Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships

2017 Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships lead image

The Polonsky Academy at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute will award up to six Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships in the humanities or social sciences for up to five years, beginning October 1, 2017. The Fellowship offers an annual stipend of $40,000. Yearly renewal will be contingent upon demonstrated progress in research. Fellows are expected to be physically present at the Institute for consecutive years during the period of the award. Applications will be considered only if the Ph.D. dissertation was completed no longer than seven years ago.

Polonsky Fellows form a vibrant research community in the humanities and social sciences, with the freedom to conduct their own research independently or in collaboration. Fellows are able to connect with ongoing projects at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and have the status of Visiting Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, including access to university databases. In order to give the fellows the greatest flexibility in the pursuit of their own research, teaching is not required, though fellows may have the opportunity to teach at the Hebrew University if they wish.