Funding/Mar 28, 2017

2017 BIAA Post-doctoral Fellowships

2017 BIAA Post-doctoral Fellowships lead image

The British Institute at Ankara welcomes applications for research that fits within one of the Strategic Research Initiatives currently promoted by the Institute.

The Fellowship will be tenable for up to 24 months from 1 September 2017. Based on the submitted research plan, the BIAA will decide upon the duration of the fellowship offered (12 to 24 months). The Fellow will be based at the Institute in Ankara and will be required to spend at least two-thirds of the period of the Fellowship at the institute. The remaining one-third can be spent outside Ankara for research purposes after consultation with the director.

The candidate should normally have completed a doctorate within the last two years at a UK University. Research must cover the fields of the arts, humanities and the social sciences that is related to and/or undertaken in Turkey and the Black Sea littoral.