Funding/Dec 16, 2015

2016–2017 BSR Senior Fellowships

2016–2017 BSR Senior Fellowships lead image

The British School at Rome Balsdon and Hugh Last Fellows are the Senior Scholars in residence and as such are encouraged to take an interest in the work of other award-holders at the BSR, particularly those in fields close to their own, and to contribute to one of the BSR’s current research themes. Senior scholars also give a public lecture as part of their fellowship.

Balsdon Fellowship
Eligible research areas are the archaeology, art history, history, society and culture of Italy, from prehistory to the modern period. The 3-month fellowship is open to established scholars normally in post in a UK university.

Hugh Last Fellowship
The Hugh Last Fellowship is for research on classical antiquity (excluding archaeological fieldwork and work on Roman Britain). The 3-month fellowship is open to established scholars normally in post in a UK university.