1st Online Edinburgh Byzantine Book Festival

1st Online Edinburgh Byzantine Book Festival lead image

1st Online Edinburgh Byzantine Book Festival, February 5–6, 2021

The Edinburgh Byzantine Book Festival, the first of its kind, is being organized as a way to learn about recently published books on any area of Late Antique and Byzantine studies (AD ca.300–ca.1500), including literature, history, archaeology, and material culture. Authors’ presentations will be introduced by fellow scholars (15 minutes), who will also facilitate audience questions as chairs (15 minutes). Entries should include books published in 2019 and 2020, and forthcoming books with an estimated publication date no later than June 2021. There is no restriction as regards the original language of the book, but all presentations will be in English.  

If you are an author of a monograph (including translations and commentaries of primary sources) on Late Antique and Byzantine studies, please consider submitting your publication.