Call for Sessions/Jan 23, 2019

13th Symposium Syriacum and 11th Congress of Arab Christian Studies

13th Symposium Syriacum and 11th Congress of Arab Christian Studies lead image

13th Symposium Syriacum and 11th Congress of Arab Christian Studies, Paris, July 6–11, 2020

The 13th Symposium Syriacum and 11th Congress of Arab Christian Studies are being organized in collaboration with and under the patronage of the Société d'etudes syriaques. The Institut national des Langues et Civilisations Orientales has generously offered to host the conference in its spacious and modern buildings, thus allowing for plenary sessions, parallel sessions, coffee breaks, and stands for publishers to be easily accessible in the same location, in a university neighborhood situated close not only to the Bibliotheque nationale de France (Francois Mitterrand site) and the Grands Moulins de Paris (Universite' Paris VII et INALCO).

Both congresses are open to all aspects of scholarly study. We also hope to organize the conference as much as possible in terms of smaller units structured around thematic workshops or round tables, assembling 5, 7 or even 12 individual papers. These thematic parallel sessions could thus result in separate publications edited by their organizers. Transversal projects in both Syriac and Christian Arab studies are particularly welcome. We are thus issuing a call specifically for such workshop and round table proposals, for which the organizers may already begin to invite colleagues for contributions. Individual papers should be 20 minutes in length and each will be followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion, with each participant limited to one single contribution in each of the two congresses. Doctoral students and younger scholars at the beginning of their career are especially encouraged to participate, as well as posters regarding ongoing projects or "work in progress", particularly those in the digital humanities.

Proposals for workshops and round tables should be sent to prior to 31 January 2019. A response regarding acceptance will be sent in June 2019.

The call for individual papers (unaffiliated with the thematic workshops) will go out with a second circular in early 2019.