Publications/Aug 17, 2018

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (58.2)

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (58.2) lead image

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, volume 58, no. 2 (2018).


Three Historical Fragments in the Suda
Andrea Favuzzi

Three short passages quoted in the Suda can be shown to relate historical events of the fifth century B.C. and can be attributed with some confidence to Aelian.

An Apple between Folktales, Rumors, and Novellas: Malalas 14.8 and its Oriental Parallels
Tommaso Braccini

The story of the apple repeatedly given from person to person is found in variants ranging as far as India, which shows the flexible usefulness of this edifying tale and complicates tracing it to a particular origin.